Log #3

September 4, 1534

My crew and I are going to arrive back at the home shores of France in a matter of hours. When I was on this voyage to find a western route to Asia I found that it would be very difficult to do because there are these large pieces of ice that in the water and, my crew and I do not want to get close to them because we think that if we do something bad will happen to our ships. So we decided to ignore these large pieces of ice and sail strait so that we could possibly find land. It was very good that we did this because my crew and I found a very largely populated area that had men, women, and children on it. Their was a water way that went in between two lands and I named it the St. Lawrence River: because of the Saints in France. When I got down this river I made trading posts. These trading posts helped us trade with the natives that were living in the land. When we were just about to leave the area I capture two native of the name Dom Aguaya and Talgnoagny. The reason that I capture these two native was because if I had to go back to this area they could help me navigate. When I get to land I hope that the King is very proud of what I have accomplished.

Jacques Cartier

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